[Presentation description for bidders available here]



How can I submit a question regarding the ANTI-SUPEBUGS PCP Request for Tender?

If you need to ask questions and queries on the bid procedure follow the instructions below:

a) go to AQuAS profile in the Public Procurement platform: https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/perfil/AQuAS;

b) click on the sub-section “Tender announcements” (Tenders > Tender announcements);

c) click on the announcement  “ANTISUPERBUGS: Pre-commercial procurement to buy R&D services for the development of early -and continuous- detection systems of microorganisms that may lead to hospital-acquired infections” (https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/notice.pscp?reqCode=viewCn&idDoc=50080299&lawType=);

d) go to the top right in this section “Notice Board” and click on “Questions and Queries”; 

e) in the Section “Questions and Queries” fill in the following information:  company name, contact name, telephone, email and raise the question and query in the corresponding box;

f) press “Send”.

What is a Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP)?

Pre-commercial  procurement  is  a  preparation exercise  which  enables  public  purchasers  to filter  out  technological  R&D  risks  of  potential  alternative  solutions  before  committing  to procuring a large scale commercial roll-out.

Separation   from   public   procurement   for   commercial   roll-out   enables   pre-commercial procurement  to  focus  on  acquiring  the  knowledge  needed  to  identify  the  “best”  possible solution the market can offer at the time of commercial roll-out, without leading to unilateral State aid to industry.

[Source: The European Commission tried to provide legal certainty on the applicable legal rules to PCP (see Interpretative Communication COM(2007) 799 final, Pre-commercial Procurement: Driving innovation to ensure sustainable high quality public services in Europe, Brussels, 14.12.2007)].

What will be procured by the Antisuperbugs PCP?

Anti-SUPERBugs PCP aims to define and launch a PCP to challenge the industry to develop a smart ICT solutions able to detect the presence of Antibiotic resistant microorganisms by means of non-invasive sampling , give real-time feedback to the user and at the same time share the information with the healthcare provider electronic record systems linking the infection with the place of the detection.

For further details see section 2 of the PCP Request for Tenders document.

Who are the Procuring authorities involved in the project?

The Buyers’ group is composed of 6 procuring authorities and a Lead procurer.

The Procuring authorities are:

Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Provincia di Trento (PAT) HELIOS Kiliniken Wupertal, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen (UKA), Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH) and Fundació Mútua Terrassa (FMT). The procurement will be lead by Agència de Qualitat I Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya  (AQuAS), who will procure the PCP in the name of the buyers’ group.



What are the exact numbers for the Maximum volume contract per phase?

Call For Tenders Phase 1-Solution designing Phase 2-Protopyping Phase 3-Proof of concept and solution test
Maximum contract volume per Phase (VAT excuded) No monetary compensation at this stage € 313.329,55 € 1.082.411,16 € 1.452.709,71
Maximum Contract Volume per Phase and per Bidder (VAT excluded) No monetary compensation at this stage € 78.332,39 € 360.803,72 € 726.354,86
Number of contractors that are expected to be selected per phase Open procedure 4 3 2
Maximum duration per phase 3 months 12 weeks 24 weeks 36 weeks

How to submit a bid? Is there any guide with instructions on how to use the tendering platform?

If you are unfamiliar with the procurement platform we invite you to read carefully the tutorial for bidders that we have made available here.

Is there any specific form to be used to submit proposals?

Yes, the Annex III contains all the forms that have to be included in the envelopes A, B and C. Additional information on the forms and the process for digital submission of proposal are available here.

What will be the Language of Communication during the PCP procedure?

The Official Language will be English. Some documents will be translated in different the languages, but the referent text will be the English version.

Is there any way to keep informed about any updates of the ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP tender?

Once registered to the Public Procurement Platform, one should subscribe to receive the updates from the call. Updates will be then send automatically to registered users.

In the case of winning the tender, do the money take place at the beginning of the action in order to carry it out or when it is finished?

As described in section 5.2 of the Request for Tender, a given percentage will be paid at signature of a given phase contract and the remaining amount will be subject to satisfactory completion of the deliverables and milestones of said phase. “Payments corresponding to each PCP phase will be subject to satisfactory completion of the deliverables and milestones for that Phase.

Based on our experience, what we could offer is the implementation of software that we have demonstrated in several US hospitals that reduce the cases of sepsis or infections acquired in the hospital, as well as help implement processes that reduce it or prevent it from acquiring them based on individualized risk. Part of the tenderness is about the creation of a device for the detection of infections, part in which we have no expertise. Can you create collaborations with other companies? Do you know about companies that were interested in the first part?

In agreement with section 3.2, “Tenders may be submitted by autonomous investigators and entities, individually or in collaboration with others. The latter can involve either submitting a joint tender or subcontracting, as provided below.” Companies can submit their partner search request in this form and check on the partnership offers here.

We are an American company with workers in Europe. Would this be an impediment to apply if more than 51% of R & D is done here?

In Agreement with sections 1.1.3 and 5.3 of the Request for Tender: “PCP is open to all operators on equal terms, regardless of the size, geographical location or governance structure. There is, however, a place of performance requirement that they must perform a predefined minimum percentage of the contracted R&D services (51% in this case) in EU Member States or Horizon 2020 associated countries.

We are an Israeli company. Can we submit a tender?

In Agreement with sections 1.1.3 and 5.3 of the Request for Tender: “PCP is open to all operators on equal terms, regardless of the size, geographical location or governance structure. There is, however, a place of performance requirement that they must perform a predefined minimum percentage of the contracted R&D services (51% in this case) in EU Member States or Horizon 2020 associated countries.” As for now, the full list of Horizon 2020 associated country is available here.

I saw your call for Tender (ANTI-SUPEBUGS) and would like to submit a bid. May I ask more information about the Buyers Group in Germany? As I know, we should have several collaboration partner. It would be great, if I can contact one of your members in Germany.

ASB is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), as defined in section 1.1 of the RfT : “PCP means that public procurers challenge innovative players on the market, via an open, transparent and competitive process, to develop new solutions for a technologically demanding mid- to long-term challenge that is in the public interest and requires new Research and Development (R&D) services.” Potential bidders should only address their queries to the Lead procurer as described in Section “Clarifications related to any issue related to the ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP Procedure can be requested by the Bidders addressing in writing the following contact point e-mail address, specifically available for that purpose: ANTI-SUPERBUGS.aquas@gencat.cat Unless otherwise instructed, please do not use any other contact addresses or contact any other persons in connection with this procurement.

Check the question related to collaborative options on the Question and Query section of the Procurement Platform and the Market consultation page on this project website.

We are interested in collaboration with a sensor based organization to produce an solution that would work well in an modern hospital. Can we reply to this tender as a separate lot to supply the alerting and deployment or should we tender as a preformed collaboration?

Please refer to the first part of the answer provided to the next question. Additionally, as per explanatory report (https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/portalfileretrieving.pscp?reqCode=retrieveFile&docHash=a119b760316be3dec29cd1d4485d3995&fileId=51105911&capId=206757&idTS=26810044), it is important to clarify that the tender is not separated in lots.

We have the following questions regarding the Antisuperbugs PCP call for tender:

1. The bidders have to be a consortium or can they be individual entities? In a consortium, is there a minimum and maximum limit for the number of entities?

2. Should the bid include a proposal of R&D services for the 3 phases of the project?

3. The consortium should include all the partners needed since phase I until phase III? Or can we form different consortia for the different phases?

4. What is the duration of each of the 3 phases?

5. Which is the expected TRL for the technology at each phase?

1. In agreement with section 3.2 of the Request For Tender (file name: Administrative clauses), “Tenders may be submitted by autonomous investigators and entities, individually or in collaboration with others. The latter can involve either submitting a joint tender or subcontracting, as provided below“. For more details please refer to section 3.2.2 and FORMs 0-3 and 0-4 of the Annex III to the Request For Tender. In the case of consortia, there is no specific requirement regarding the minimum or maximum number of entities. Companies can submit their partner search request in the form available here and check on the partnership offers in the Companies interested in Consortium building page.

2. The information contained in section 4.2.1 of the Request For Tender clarifies the content that must be included in the proposal and specified that should cover the three phases: “Envelope B shall contain a preliminary description of an innovative solution. Description of the technological development plan covering the full PCP procedure from Phase 1 to Phase 3, deliverables, milestones and project schedule“. In the section it is mentioned that “More detailed information for the Phase 2 and 3 offers (in particular on the technical implementation plan, updated business plan and list of IPRs) will be provided in the correspondent invitations“. In Annex III to the Request For Tender, in the ‘FORM C: Financial proposal model and any other automatic awarding criteria’ it is specified that the Bidder will submit a “BINDING PRICE FOR PHASE 1 AND ESTIMATED PRICE FOR PHASES 2 AND 3”. In sections and related to the technical offer to be submitted to Phase 2 and Phase 3, it is said: “Bidders may vary the offered values of the technical/performance Indicators within the limits of their initial offer, so that they can always improve them but they not make them worse.”And in sections and related to the financial proposal to be submitted to Phase 2 and Phase 3, it is said: “Bidders may always improve their financial proposals in comparison with their original offers but they not make them worse“.

3. Please refer to section 3.2.2 and FORMs 0-3 and 0-4 of the Annex III to the Request For Tender. According to Annex III to the Request For Tender, the different entities of the consortium agree “to set up a team to participate jointly along the ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP Procedure“. These forms need to be signed when submitting your proposals to join the tender and, pursuant to Section, as a general rule, “The group of tenderers must assume joint and several liability for the performance of the FA and the derived Contracts“. Nevertheless, please note that, in accordance with the information contained Section, the Tendering Board may exceptionally propose to authorize in writing changes in the composition of a consortium that tendered at the Call for Tenders of the ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP Procedure and/or the formation of a new consortium different from the ones that tendered at the Call for Tenders of the ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP Procedure.

4. The duration of the whole procedure is detailed in the section 2.2. of the Request for Tender as well as in Annex I to the Request For Tender: Phase 1 contract lasts 10 weeks; Phase 2 contract lasts 20 weeks and; Phase 3 contract lasts 34 weeks.

5. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is not specified. The objectives, as well as the output and results expected from each phase are stated in Annex II. to the Request For Tender.

For Completing the Envelope C/ FORM C, it says there is an excel sheet that is available for download which is not visible in any link that was provided in the for 1.3 Could you provide with a link for the excel sheet

For Completing the Envelope C/ FORM C, it says there is an excel sheet that is available for download which is not visible in any link that was provided in the for 1.3 Could you provide with a link for the excel sheet.

In the description of the tender, it is specified that it is required the development of a technology that detects volatile organic compounds associated with specific types of bacteria. We wonder, if it is possible to offer other types of technologies, highly effective in detecting these bacteria, but where the principle is not based on the measurement of volatile organic compounds.

Economic operators’ bids must comprise volatile organic compounds (VOC) detection technologies, which may work together with other types of technologies provided that such technologies allow them to reach better performance and still fully comply with ANTI-SUPERBUGS specifications and requirements.

As specified in the Glossary of the Challenge Brief (file name in the platform: “Technical prescriptions”, accessible at the ‘Most recent correction tab’ here: https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/en_GB/notice.pscp?reqCode=viewCn&idDoc=50080299&version=51105101&lawType=2 ): “Different technologies are used to detect the volatile organic compounds and they depend on the detection principle (according to the nature of the physical signal they measure), sensor types and sensitive materials“.

Consequently, ANTI-SUPERBUGS buyers group is not requiring the development of a specific technology but indeed requiring the detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC) without specifying the technology. Through VOC detection ANTI-SUPERBUGS buyers group enables the satisfaction of one of their main identified common needs: the continuous real time detection of contaminations/colonization of fomites (e.g.: patient exhaled breath, skin flora and surfaces in contact with the patient (e.g. as linen or gowns)) and hospital environments, without making use of any intrusive or invasive sampling.

Having read the OJEU notice above and visited the http://antisuperbugs.eu website, it is not clear which documentation needs to be presented to formally express an interest in the Pre Commercial Phase of this project, and therefore be assessed to enter Stage 1 of the Anti Super Bugs challenge process. We would be very grateful indeed for any advice, URLs or suggestions about how best to proceed.

1- To get an overview of the call go to the ‘Tutorial for Bidders’ available here and to the summary of the ‘Challenge Brief’ available here.

2- To gain access to the ‘Call for Tender’ documents go here: https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/en_GB/notice.pscp?reqCode=viewCn&idCap=206757&idDoc=51105101 (make sure to have always checked the tab ‘Most recent correction’).

3- Download and read carefully the full set of documents starting from the ‘Challenge Brief’ (file name: Technical prescriptions) and continuing with the ‘Request for Tenders’ (file name: Administrative clauses) and all its annexes (from 1.1 to 1.8) (look at the ‘Tutorial for bidders’ to know in which order you should read the documents).

4- Read all the Questions&Answers published in https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/en_GB/questionsView.pscp?reqCode=view&cn=51105101&type=cn to clarify all the doubts you could have and that maybe have been already answered.

5- In regards to the specific question ‘which documentation needs to be presented’: a. first read the sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the Request for Tenders (file name: Administrative clauses) b. than, as replied to the question ‘Is there any specific form to be used to submitt proposals?’, read the Annex III (file name 1.3_ANTI-SUPERBUGS_RfT_Pliegos_ANNEX III_Tender Forms+FinancialBid_EN_ES.pdf) that contains all the forms that have to be included when submitting your proposal.

We are considering applying to the “Call for Tender” and we have doubts about our fit into the call. Is October 26th, 2019 is the deadline for application?It’s our first submission for this kind of grant, do we need to fill out this form? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSft8UOm60fadv1FM-oU4gG6cBlfOS3-Z83ST-DRIwCO8vEaug/viewform

We recommend you to consult the procurer platform for details of the tender submission. You can also find there the specific forms that needs to be filled in to submit an offer. For any further queries you can submit your question though the email address antisuperbugs.aquas@gencat.cat or the platform https://bit.ly/2MHNdTG. On this project website you can find further information. In case you need it, you can submit a request to search for partners by completing this specific form and consult the offers of partnership in the Consortium Building page. The deadline for submission is the 28th of October 2019 at 13.00h (CET).



What do the red to green faces mean?

The red faces stand for needs that are not covered by the currently commercially available products, where Antisuperbugs project will challenge the industry to find a solution.