Presentations are available below according to the event’s agenda:
- A PCP for smart ICT solutions against Multi-resistant microorganisms – Jean Patrick Mathieu, AntiSUPERBugs project, Project Coordinator. AQuAS [Size 1,04 MB]
- Health care – associated infections (HAI) in Catalonia – Enric Limón Caceres, Institute Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Msc PHD Programme Coordinator (VinCAT) [Size 493 KB]
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH) – Dave Partridge, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH), MA MB BChir DTM&H MRCP FRCPath Consultant microbiologist [Size 1,16 MB]
- The Buyers group interests in a PCP for their needs solutions: Autonomous province of Trento – Emanuele Torri, Provincia autonoma di Trento (PAT), Policy Maker & Commissioner for accreditation of health and social services [Size 963 KB]
- Anti-Superbugs CMFT needs analysis– Richard Deed, Central Manchester University Hospitals, Technology Director [Size 477 KB]
- AntiSuperbugs detection of resistant microorganisms in hospitals – Dag Ilver, Development Engineer (RISE Acreo) [Size 798 KB]