25 April 2017 closes the deadline of the 2017 Horizon 2020 ICT call. Topic ICT-33 has a budget of 4M EURO for 100% co-financing of networks of public procurers to prepare new future PCP and PPI procurements and for establishing a EU wide network of innovation procurement competence centers. Topic ICT-27d has a budget of 7M EURO and offers 90% co-financing for the coordination and procurement cost of PCPs that bring new robotics based solutions to the market. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your proposals! Read more
Author: antisuperbugs
Open Market Consultation PROEMPOWER Pre-Commercial Procurement
Healthcare procurers from Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Italy have bundled forces in PROEMPOWER to buy together the development of personalised diabetes management solutions for more effective management of diabetes type2 patients. The open market consultation for their PCP procurement will take the form of meetings in Ankara on 31 May, Lisbon on 22 May, Murcia on 24 May, Naples on 6 June and through a webinar on 18 May 2017. Read more
Open Market Consultation LIVE INCITE Pre-Commercial Procurement
Swedish, Spanish and Danish healthcare procurers have joined up in LIVE INCITE. Their aim is to encourage the market to develop interactive IT-solutions that empower patients and support lifestyle changes in order to improve outcomes of surgical procedures as well as cost effectiveness of healthcare providers. Companies and researchers are invited to participate in the LIVE INCITE open market consultation until 22 June 2017. Read more
The 3rd Major eafip Event will take place in the Kosmos IMAX in Tallinn, Estonia, on 17th and 18th October 2017. This EU-wide event will be co-hosted by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and will be one of the key events in Estonia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Read more