Antisuperbugs’ Request for Tender: How to participate?

Anti-SUPERBugs consortium has produced a few tools to support the interested companies in their participation in the request for tender:

  1. a tutorial that provides guidelines for submitting a bid  on the procurement platform with tips and hints;
  2. a noticeboard with  notices from companies looking for partners;
  3. a form to submit partner search request.

The interested parties are invited to consult the FAQ page on the project website or the Question and Queries section of the Procurement platform, where some concerns have been already been solved. They can also submit queries that will be addressed by the project’s experts. Anti-SUPERBugs consortium is keen to provide support to the companies within  the legal constraints of the procurement procedure. Updates are regularly posted on the social media, for instance the Twitter account of the project (Twitter messages are also visible on the right side of this web page).